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Trash Collection/Other Services

Trash Collection/Other Services

Trash Collection

  • Place trash recepticles at the curbside by 7:00 am on the day of collection.
  • Trash must be placed in approved City receptacles and must be less than 50 pounds and not higher than 3 inches above rim.
  • Trash cans should not be placed at the curb before 6:00 am on the evening prior to the scheduled collection, and must be removed by 11:00 pm on the day of collection.
  • No trash bags placed directly on the ground will be picked up by the trash service.
  • To order additional trash (or recycling) recepticles, please click here: Order Trash Containers.
  • To report late or non-collection of trash, please contact Interstate Waste.
  • For urgent matters, please call 862-902-5045.

Zone 1 - Friday

  • London
  • Yorkshire
  • E. Burlington
  • Columbus Park
  • Mehlville
  • New London
  • New Yorkshire

Zone 2 - Monday

  • Farnerville
  • E. Farnerville
  • Laurel
  • Fawn Hollow

If you have any questions regarding what zone you reside in, please call the Public Works Garage at 609-386-0754, ext. 1 or send an email to

2025 Trash and Bulk Trash Pickup Schedule

  • Bulk trash will be picked up every other Friday.
  • Bulk trash pickup is by APPOINTMENT ONLY.
  • To schedule a pickup, please contact the Public Works Garage at 609-386-0754, ext. 1, by 12:00 pm on the Wednesday before the scheduled Friday bulk pickup date.
  • Place bulk trash items at the curb the night before your scheduled pickup date.
  • Residents are allowed two (2) items per household.
  • Bulk items should not exceed 75 lbs.
  • If an object does not fit into a trash receptical, it is considered bulk trash.
  • All mattresses/box springs will need to be wrapped in bags.
  • Bulk items DO NOT include electronics, propane tanks, grass clippings, construction/contractor debris, concrete, bagged trash, metal items, appliances with freon (A/C Units, refrigerators, or freezers).

Contact Information

Public Works Garage
325 East Federal Street,
Burlington, NJ, 08016
Hours: Monday to Friday (7:00 am - 3:00 pm)
Seasonal Hours: (6:00 am - 2:00 pm) (Memorial Day through Labor Day)

William Curry, Director of Public Works
Tel: 609-386-0754, ext. 1

Interstate Waste
Tel: 866-342-5497

Brush Collection

To schedule brush collection, please call or email the Department of Public Works

  • Brush collection is by APPOINTMENT ONLY
  • To schedule a pickup, please contact the Public Works Garage at 609-386-0754, extension 1
  • Residents must schedule an appointment by contacting the Public Works Garage at 609-386-0754 extension 1
  • Brush must be placed at the curb and neatly stacked
  • As a reminder, brush is:
    • Small branches, sticks, shrubbery clippings, tree cuttings
    • Less than 6 inches in diameter and no greater than 6 feet in length
    • Please do not mix construction material, soil & rocks, leaves, grass clippings, or trash with brush.
Leaf Collection

Zone 1

  • November 4th through November 8th
  • November 18th through November 22nd
  • December 2nd through December 6th
  • December 16th through December 20th

Zone 2

  • November 12th through November 15th
  • November 25th through November 27th
  • December 9th through December 13th
  • December 23rd through December 27th

Public Works removes snowfall and provides ice melt for public streets and lots to maintain passage and maximize safety.

To assist us in providing the most thorough service possible, we ask citizens and those employed in the City to do the following at first sign of significant snowfall:

  • Do not park on Broad or High Streets
  • Remove all non-essential vehicles from City streets
  • Avoid driving in conditions which may strand your vehicle and block roads
  • Clear your sidewalks and vehicles
  • Do not pile snow cleared in street or gutter
  • Refrain from parking crooked, or on drifts or plowed snow piles

To prevent damage to roads and equipment, plowing will commence after 3 or more inches of snow has accumulated.

The City CANNOT plow or shovel private drives, walks or lots.

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY medical or other crisis requiring immediate evacuation, dial 911.

Flood Insurance

Most of Burlington is within the 100-year flood zone. Protect Your Family and Property with Proper Flood Insurance Coverage.

To determine if you are in a flood zone, floodway, or special problem area, visit Flood Risk and Insurance.

You can also schedule a one-on-one consultation and a site visit to evaluate your property for flood risk and consequent actions you can take to protect yourself, please call the Construction Official at 609-386-0200 ext. 171.

Subscribe to Receive Emergency Notifications

Add your phone number(s), text number(s), and email address(es) to receive County/Civic Ready emergency notification and other alerts, please enter your data at the following link:

Community Enrollment

If you or someone you know is not receiving emergency notification calls and does not have computer access, please email Colleen Ekey at or call 609-265-7137 with your name, address, phone number(s), and optionally, text number(s), and email address(es).

Public Works

Committed to enhancing the quality of life for our residents.

Division of Water Utility

Plays a crucial role in ensuring that residents of Burlington City have access to clea, safe and healthy drinking water.

Division of Sewer & Drainage Utility

Maintains public health and environmental safety by effectively managing wastewater and drainage within the City of Burlington.

Division of Buildings, Grounds & Fleet Management

Responsible for maintaining all City-owned buildings and many City-owned properties.

Recycling Services

Recycling information and schedule. Recycling cart procurement.
