The Tax Assessor’s Office is for the appraisal and evaluation of all land and buildings within the City Burlington. In addition, the Tax Assessor’s Office performs all appropriate functions associated with:
A “Notice of Assessment” postcard is mailed to property owners every year by November 15th. If you disagree with your assessment value, you can file an appeal as follows:
To file a County Tax Appeal: The deadline is January 15th of the current tax year.
To file a State Tax Court Appeal: The deadline is April 1st of the current year.
If you received an added or omitted assessment bill in October and wish to dispute the assessed value, you must file form AA-1 with the County Board of Taxation by December 1st.
Form AA-1:
To apply for a deduction or exemption, you must complete the application that pertains to you, and submit it to the Tax Assessor’s Office.
Forms are available in the Tax Assessor’s office or online at the following locations:
Veteran Deduction form:
Totally Disabled Veteran Exemption form:
Senior Citizen or Disabled Person Deduction form* :
Real Property Tax Deduction Supplemental Income form:
* Must submit an Income Statement form with Senior/Disabled Deduction form
Linda Rogers, Tax Assessor
Tel: 609-386-0200 ext. 123
Fax: 609-386-5110
You now may use credit and debit cards to pay taxes, fees, sewer, water, court fines, and other municipal taxes and fees.
Maintaining all records of billings and collections. Billing and collection of all water / sewer accounts.
City Code Book for up to date emergency alerts.
Flood Insurance
Stormwater Management Information