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IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: DIAL 911 for police assistance 24 hrs. a day / 7 days a week
Non-Emergency: 609-386-3300
Non-Emergency After Hours: 609-386-3300

Office of Emergency Management

The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is responsible for ensuring the City of Burlington is ready for any kind of large-scale emergencies or disasters. OEM works closely with various departments and organizations to prepare for possible emergencies, lessen their impact, and recover as quickly as possible. In addition, the Office of Emergency Management performs all appropriate functions associated with:

  • Developing public safety plans for major events within the City.
  • Creates all hazard mitigation and emergency operations plans.
  • Investigates hazardous material incidents.
  • Coordinates any evacuations due to emergency incidents.
  • Collects, analyzes, and disseminates incident information.
  • Conducts training and exercises to test the effectiveness of plans and policies.
  • Handles National Incident Management System compliance for the City of Burlington.

Subscribe to Receive Emergency Notifications

To receive County/Civic Ready emergency notification and other alerts, please enter your data at the following link:

Community Enrollment

If you or someone you know is not receiving emergency notification calls and does not have computer access, please email Colleen Ekey at or call 609-265-7137 with your name, address, phone number(s), and optionally, text number(s), and email address(es).

Protect Your Family and Property with Proper Flood Insurance Coverage

Most of Burlington is within the 100-year flood zone. To determine if you are in a flood zone, floodway, or special problem area, visit our Flood Risk page by using the following link: Flood Risk and Insurance

Contact Information

City Hall Municipal Offices
525 High Streett,
Burlington, NJ, 08016
Hours: Monday-Friday (9:00am - 5:00pm)

Frank S. Caruso, Emergency Management Coordinator
Tel: 609-386-0200 ext. 122

Craig Leshner Sr., Deputy OEM Coordinator

David Mudge, Deputy OEM Coordinator

For urgent news:

Useful Links

To receive important text alert about your area, please sign up for Nixle at
To receive emergency text alerts from Burlington County, please visit
For latest weather news, visit Weather.Gov
NJ Office of Emergency Management
For urgent news, visit the Office of Emergency Management Twitter at

Recommended Resources

  • NJ Office of Emergency Management of the NJ State Office of the Attorney General, Dept. of Law & Public Safety, NJ State Police
  • Visit Weather.Gov for the latest weather news.
  • Sign up for Nixle (free) to receive the latest emergency information via text. Visit and enter your mobile phone and zip code to receive important text alerts about your area from public safety and emergency management organizations.

Flood Insurance

Most of Burlington is within the 100-year flood zone. Protect Your Family and Property with Proper Flood Insurance Coverage.

To determine if you are in a flood zone, floodway, or special problem area, visit Flood Risk and Insurance.

You can also schedule a one-on-one consultation and a site visit to evaluate your property for flood risk and consequent actions you can take to protect yourself, please call the Construction Official at 609-386-0200 ext. 171.

Department of Public Safety

Police Department

Fire Department

Division of Fire Prevention
