Reporting to the Mayor and Administrator are six Department Directors responsible for the supervision of over 100 City employees organized into Divisions. Click on the following Departments to find specific information about their Divisions
Responsible for overseeing the operations of all City Departments and implementing policies.
Construction, building and demolition permits. Timeline and application information.
Pay Utility and Property Taxes. Water and Sewer collections and Tax and Revenue collections.
Participates in the negotiating and monitoring of redevelopment agreements and processes requests for the disposition of City owned property.
Maintains custody of all minutes, books, contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation.
Police, Fire and Emergency Management information. Contact information and overview of functions.
Water Utility, Sewer and Drainage, Buildings and Grounds, Trash and Recycling information and schedules.
Overview of staff and responsibilities. Handles website related content and administration. for up to date emergency alerts.
Flood Insurance
Stormwater Management Information