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Office of the Mayor

The City of Burlington operates in accordance with the Mayor-Council form of government, as authorized in the Optional Municipal Charter Law (NJSA 40:69A). The Mayor is the chief executive of the municipality, while the legislative powers of the City are exercised by the Common Council.

On November 2, 2015, I was elected for a four-year term by the citizens of the City of Burlington to serve as Mayor to represent the interest of all City residents. I was re-elected for a second term on November 5, 2019 and sworn in on January 1, 2020.

I am currently serving a third term as Mayor which began January 2024. My present four-year term expires on December 31, 2027.

Powers and Duties: City of Burlington, NJ Mayor (


As your Mayor, I represent the interests of all City residents, and my responsibilities with respect to City government include:
  • Exercising the Executive Power of the Municipality
  • Enforcing Charters and Ordinances of the City
  • Supervising all municipal Departments
  • Fixing salaries and wages of Administrative Dept. employees
  • Supervising care and custody of City property
  • Appointing and remove Department heads subject to Council approval
  • Performing the duties of Public Safety Director


As Mayor, my goals are to:

  • Represent the interests of all City residents.
  • Support economic growth throughout each neighborhood.
  • Spur others to become involved in public service.
  • Encourage residents, non-profits / faith-based groups and businesses to work together for the overall growth and civic health of Burlington City.
  • Promote the “History is Our Brand, Art is Our Future” economic growth initiative.


  • Previously served as Councilman from 2010 until 2016 representing the residents of Ward 1.
  • A lifelong resident of Burlington City. His family has lived in Burlington since the early 1920s.
  • A 1981 graduate of Burlington City High School.
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Safety and Hygiene.
  • Management from Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania.
  • Employed in the field of Environmental Health and Safety for a company that provides Environmental cleanup and Construction services nationwide.
  • He has served in a variety of Environmental, Health, and Safety positions in diverse areas of Construction, Construction Management, Environmental Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites, and Disaster Site activities.
  • He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals.

Barry W. Conaway

Contact Information

525 Hight St. Burlington, NJ 08106

Tel: 609-386-0200

Zoraida Pagan, Confidential Secretary
Tel: 609-386-0200, ext. 140

Barry W. Conaway

City Mayor

The City of Burlington operates in accordance with the Mayor-Council form of government, as authorized in the Optional Municipal Charter Law (NJSA 40:69A). The Mayor is the chief executive of the municipality, while the legislative powers of the City are exercised by the Common Council.

As your Mayor, I represent the interest of all City Residents. On November 2, 2015, I was elected for a four-year term by the citizens of the City of Burlington to serve as Mayor to represent the interest of all City residents. for a four-year term. I was re-elected for a second term on November 5, 2019 and sworn in on January 1, 2020.

I am currently serving a third term as Mayor which began January 2024. My present four-year term expires on December 31, 2027.

Powers and Duties: City of Burlington, NJ Mayor (


As your Mayor, I represent the interests of all City residents, and my responsibilities with respect to City government include:
  • Exercises the Executive Power of the Municipality
  • Enforces Charters and Ordinances of the City
  • Supervises all municipal Departments
  • Fixes salaries and wages of Administrative Dept. employees
  • Supervises care and custody of City property
  • Appoints and remove Department heads subject to Council approval
  • Performs the duties of Public Safety Director


As Mayor, my goals are to:

  • I represent the interests of all City residents.
  • Support economic growth through each neighborhood.
  • Spur others to become involved in public service.
  • Encourage residents, non-profits / faith-based groups and businesses to work together for the overall growth and civic health of Burlington City.
  • Promote “History is Our Brand, Art is Our Future” economic growth initiative.


  • Previously served as Councilman from 2010 until 2016 representing the residents of Ward 1.
  • A lifelong resident of Burlington City. His family has lived in Burlington since the early 1920s.
  • A 1981 graduate of Burlington City High School.
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Safety and Hygiene. Management from Millersville University in Millersville, Pennsylvania.
  • Employed in the field of Environmental Health and Safety for a company that provides Environmental cleanup and Construction services nationwide. He has served in a variety of Environmental, Health, and Safety positions in diverse areas of Construction, Construction Management, Environmental Remediation of Hazardous Waste Sites, and Disaster Site activities.
  • He is a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and a member of the American Society of Safety Professionals.
  • Enjoys life’s everyday ups and downs
  • He is married to his wife, Wanda, a father of three children and grandfather of three


As your Mayor, I represent the interests of all City residents, and my responsibilities with respect to City government include:
  • Exercises the Executive Power of the Municipality
  • Enforces Charters and Ordinances of the City
  • Supervises all municipal Departments
  • Fixes salaries and wages of Administrative Dept. employees
  • Supervises care and custody of City property
  • Appoints and remove Department heads subject to Council approval
  • Performs the duties of Public Safety Director
  • Performs Fiscal functions
    • Oversees Municipal Budget Process
    • Reviews and analyzes municipal services, programs, and finances
    • Oversees Personnel process
    • Prepares City operating and capital budgets
  • Negotiates and Executes/Terminates Contractual Obligations
    • Negotiates contracts subject to Council approval
    • Signs all contracts and bonds requiring City consent
    • Removes department heads subject to Council majority
  • Undertakes Ministerial Missions
    • Delivers annual state of the City address
    • Serves ex officio non-voting member capacity on all appointive bodies of which not already a member
    • Performs civil wedding ceremonies
  • Executes Legislative duties
    • Attends Council Meetings and participate in deliberations
    • Proposes legislation
    • Exercises veto over ordinances subject to Council majority override
  • Represents all City residents, businesses, and property owners
  • Develops vision and focuses on community growth and prosperity