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Municipal Court

The municipal court is a local court created by State Law, whose territory is confined to the city or community in which it is located. Practice and procedures are governed by the New Jersey Court Rules. The Municipal Court Judge is responsible for overseeing the administration of the Municipal Court. The Assignment Judge of the Superior Court (whose office is in Mt. Holly) is responsible for overseeing the administration of all the municipal courts in Burlington County. Municipal Court presides over cases, including:

  • Violations of motor vehicles and traffic laws
  • Violations of disorderly and petty disorderly offenses (criminal matters which may result in fines or jail- not to exceed six months)
  • Citizen Complaints
  • Violations of Fish & Game Laws, Parks & Forest Laws, Weights & Measures Regulations, SPCA, and Boating Regulations
  • Violations of Municipal Ordinances (local laws)
  • Juvenile Matters - Traffic, Curfew, Truancy
More serious offenses, known as indictable offenses, are sent to the County Prosecutor’s Office. The County Prosecutor decides whether to present the case to a Grand Jury or to return the case to the Municipal Court as a less serious offense (known as a downgrade).

Your Rights as a Defendant in Municipal Court

  • You have the RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT concerning the charges against you, and anything you say may be held against you.
  • You may plead GUILTY or NOT GUILTY to certain non-indictable charges against you, such as: traffic offenses, disorderly persons offenses, and ordinances. If you are charged with an INDICTABLE offense, the Judge cannot ask for your plea because you have the right to request a probable cause hearing before the Judge and a trial by jury at the County level if the Grand Jury indicts you. There are, however, certain INDICTABLE offenses that may be tried by the Judge if you waive indictment and trial by jury in writing and the County Prosecutor consents. You have the right to be informed if you have been charged with such an offense.
    • You are charged with an indictable offense and the State Public Defender determines that you cannot afford an attorney; or
    • You are charged with an indictable offense and the Judge determines you cannot afford an attorney and there is a likelihood that if you are convicted you will either go to jail, receive a substantial fine, or your driver’s license will be suspended.
  • You have the RIGHT TO OBTAIN A REASONABLE POSTPONEMENT so that you may have an opportunity to consult with your attorney and prepare a proper defense.
  • You are PRESUMED TO BE INNOCENT until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • You have the RIGHT TO TESTIFY OR NOT TO TESTIFY in your behalf.
  • You have the RIGHT TO CALL OR SUBPOENA witnesses to testify on your behalf.

For more information about the Municipal Courts,

  • Come in and ask for our FREE “Municipal Courts Informational Guide”
  • Click on the link to FAQ / Q&As about this topic at left
  • The New Jersey Court Rules, statutes and other legal references are available at the Law Library located in County Courts Facility, 49 Rancocas Road, Mount Holly. Burlington County Library in Westampton and the Burlington County College Library in Pemberton also have some legal references.


The Judge, Court Administrator or a police officer may suggest that the parties try to settle their differences through Mediation, a confidential process which allows the parties to meet with a trained mediator to aid them in resolving their dispute. You may request mediation:
  • instead of filing a formal complaint
  • before your court date
The Court will decide if your case is eligible. Types of matters referred to mediation typically include:
  • neighborhood disputes
  • bad check cases
  • disputes among co-workers

Mediation is scheduled through the Municipal Court and is held: Township of Burlington Municipal Building, 851 Old York Road, Burlington Township, NJ 08016

Contact Information

Burlington Township handles all municipal court matters for the City of Burlington.
Burlington Township Municipal Court
851 Old Yorke Road,
Burlington Township, NJ, 08016
Municipal Court Hours:
Tuesday at 8:30am
1st & 3rd Thursday at 2:300pm
Tel: 609-239-5825
Fax: 609-239-2191

Peter C. Lange, Jr., Municipal Court Judge
Rebecca Concepcion, Court Administrator
Brendan Moles, Esq., Prosecutor
Nikisha (Niki) Scott, Recreation Department Clerk

Burlington County Superior Courts Facility and County Office Building
49 Rancocas Road,
Mount Holly, NJ 08060

Tel: 609-288-9500

Lawyer Referrals
Burlington County Bar Association,
137 High Street, 3rd Floor
Mount Holly, NJ, 08060
Tel: 609-261-4542
Fax: 609-261-5423

Guidelines for Assistance

  • Explain and answer questions about how the court works
  • Tell you what the court requires in order to consider your case
  • Give you some info from your court file
  • Provide you with samples of court forms
  • Offer guidance on how to fill out forms
  • Usually answer questions about court deadlines
  • Give you legal advice
  • Tell you whether or not you should bring your case to court
  • Give you a prediction about your case’s outcome
  • Recommend a lawyer, but they CAN provide the phone number of a local lawyer referral service
  • Talk to the judge for you
  • Let you talk to the judge outside of court
  • Change an order issued by a judge